Don’t let the word “fruit” on the labels fool you. Some of fruit drinks are stripped of all nutrients and have more additives and sugar (as much as 90%+) than soda.
The Dangers Of Juice from Concentrate
What makes it so dangerous?
It is a fruit by-product that has been stripped of its fiber and nutrients and has an overwhelming amount of Fructose:
What Is Fructose?
Comes from fruit and is what makes fruit sweet
Unlike glucose (table sugar), fructose goes straight to your liver
Promptly converted to stored fat (particularly belly fat)!
Highly dangerous to your internal organs
Fructose doesn’t raise leptin (the hormone that signals a “full” feeling)
Doesn’t tell your body when you are full, which makes it easy to OVEREAT fructose
Can lead to insulin resistance
Insulin is necessary to lower the impact of sugar in your blood
Goes through a process in your body called glycation, which leads to advanced aging.
When you consume too much fructose, it sends your body into a downward spiral into inflammation and disease.TOO much sugar (fructose) leads to cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, obesity and many more diseases.

You will be surprised to know that juice (citrus, tropical and other juices on the market) labeled “not from concentrate” are also squeezed, pasteurized and filtered.
For example Orange juice from concentrate is processed. It’s squeezed, pasteurized and filtered. Sometimes added sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.The water content is mostly evaporated, leaving some oils and essences behind to restore the flavor of orange juice in a packaged product. Clearly, it’s not pure juice.
It is also being stored in an aseptic storage stripped from oxygen before the product gets packaged and shipped. Yup, “Not from concentrate” orange juices and other juices are also processed and far from pure juices.It is also being stored in an aseptic storage stripped from oxygen before the product gets packaged and shipped. Yup, “not ot from concentrate” orange juices and other juices are also processed and far from pure juices. from concentrate” orange juices and other juices are also processed and far from pure juices.
These juices receive the “100% orange juice” (or other “100% juice”) or natural label, because their flavor pack were in fact made from orange (or other fruit) essences. Popular “100% pure and natural” juices made “not from concentrate” are not actually fruit juices, but processed sugary drinks, causing sugar spikes and crashes and possibly inflammation.

But… wait a minute, isn’t fruit
Yes, yes it is — but only when it is whole and fresh, because the fiber in fresh fruit offsets the negative impact of fructose:
Fiber slows down the digestion of fructose
Fiber is only found in the WHOLE fresh fruit
Whole fruit also contains a lot of vitamins, phytonutrients, minerals and antioxidants.
So What Should You Buy?
When shopping, look for the term “HPP,” “high-pressure processed,” “cold-pressed,” or “cold pasteurized” on the label.
Why choose HPP juice? Within a living pathogen, cellular structures such as the cell membrane are pressure sensitive, which results in these pathogens dying, while other elements of the juice responsible for taste, color and nutrition are not typically changed by pressure. This allows the juice to be stored for longer periods of time than fresh juices while helping protect the quality and taste of the juice.